At Bizmart Media (“Bizmart”), we strive to uphold editorial standards that emphasize our commitment to producing newsworthy, accurate, and universally beneficial content of the highest quality and integrity, free from bias and conflicts of interest.
With over 25 brands and over 400 million monthly readers, our operations and editorial teams strictly follow our editorial standards, spanning various content types, including breaking news, in-depth product reviews, guides, opinion pieces, features, current events coverage, and more.
Bizmart Media upholds the following standards:
Reliability: We prioritize the authenticity and reliability of our content, achieved through meticulous research and thorough revisions conducted by our diverse team of journalists, researchers, editors, and specialists.
Originality: We adhere to legal and ethical standards, including copyright laws and journalistic ethics, with a zero-tolerance policy toward plagiarism, emphasizing our commitment to authenticity and integrity.
Independence: Our review scores cannot be traded for favors, sold, or bought. Any form of manipulation we discover will result in appropriate sanctions.
Recency: Bizmart Media provides publish and update dates for our articles to inform readers about the recency of the content they are consuming. These dates are clearly labeled at the top of every published work on all of our digital publications.
Conflicts of Interest: All content creators at Bizmart Media are required to inform our editorial staff if covering any content topics assigned to them may create a direct conflict of interest. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding the dissemination of information created for the personal gain of an individual.
Gifts: We do not accept any material gifts or other considerations from companies that will in any way influence our content or our decision on whether to cover a topic or not. If a partner or potential partner sends a gift of minor value, we ask our editorial team to report the product or service and its value to determine if the item should be returned.
Image Credits: We follow established company guidelines for image crediting based on the guidelines of our licensing partners and other image services.
Attribution of Sources: Unless assets or news (press releases) come from an official company source or its PR affiliations, we aim to provide link credit to a story’s originating source for reported news.
Accuracy: We are committed to accurate content, and we make prompt and transparent correction of inaccuracies, encouraging reader participation in maintaining our content’s integrity.
Sponsor Transparency: We clearly label all advertising-based content with proper editorial notifications that align with FTC guidelines for sponsored and advertorial-based content.
Review Guidelines: We do not take payment for product reviews. Our reviews are written by a team of experts in their field. We strive to provide balanced and unbiased reviews which cover both the pros and cons of products, movies, TV shows, etc.
Rating Methodology: Our digital publications follow a set of guidelines for rating products, movies, TV shows, etc., which may differ from one publication to another. Our ratings are free from bias and are not influenced by any insider access or relationships we may have.
Embargoes and Spoilers: For previews and reviews, we always honor embargoes. We do not post spoilers until we have permission to post, or after the public release of the work. For any major or sensitive spoilers, we typically keep them out of our headlines and images until a sufficient amount of time has passed to ensure readers are not exposed to any information they are not actively seeking out.
This is not an exhaustive list and serves to provide a general overview of our editorial standards. Our editorial standards are reviewed on a regular basis and can be updated at any time without prior notice. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please contact [email protected].