+1 (780) 628-4003

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 17.00

Sacramento, California

The Leading Publishing & Media Investment Company

The Bizmart Media is an American based global digital and print publication under Bizmart Holdings LLC that showcases the positive and hopeful prospect of African Economies and listings of Richest individuals on African continent, other parts of the world and news stories with global analysis about Wealth & Billionaires, Finance & Investing,Entrepreneurship & Founders, Technology & Innovation, small business management, Leadership & Professional Communities, Consumer Businesses and Lifestyle. The magazine was founded by Isaac Newton in 2014 and 8 years later, in 2022, we launched our first online platform, bizmart.aftrica with Contributor Network and started our Breaking News desk.

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+1 (780) 628-4003

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[email protected]

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Opening Hours

Mon-Sat: 8AM - 5PM

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Sacramento, California, United States

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